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Workplace Inclusion Charter

Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership Workplace Inclusion Charter

A More Diverse and Welcoming Environment

The Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership Workplace Inclusion Charter is a voluntary initiative, offering a no-cost toolkit and recognition program for employers in Simcoe County, to foster inclusive work environments.

Workplace inclusion is essential for creating a diverse and welcoming environment where all employees feel valued, respected, and able to contribute their best work. A workplace inclusion charter outlines a set of principles and commitments that an organization voluntarily agrees to uphold in order to promote an inclusive workplace.

Employers may demonstrate their commitment to inclusion in the workplace by:

  • Embracing and celebrating diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives among employees.
  • Ensuring that all employees are treated with respect, fairness, and equity, regardless of their race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, or other Ontario Human Rights protected grounds.
  • Providing all employees with equal access to career development, training, promotions, and other opportunities for professional growth.
  • Creating a workplace culture where discrimination, harassment, and bullying are not tolerated and where employees feel safe to speak up and report any incidents.
  • Recognizing and supporting the well-being of all employees, including mental health support, work-life balance initiatives, and flexible working arrangements.

The Charter is adaptable for businesses of any size.

By voluntarily endorsing the Charter through a Statement of Commitment, employers are initiating the process of enhancing inclusivity and committing to fulfilling the outlined responsibilities within the Charter.

Employers can select specific commitments to implement in the workplace, and access free resources, training, and support.

Levels of Achievement

Gold Level

Complete all three
benchmarks, and nine (9)
or more commitments,
including one from
each category

Silver Level

Complete all three
benchmarks, and six (6)
or more commitments,
including one from
each category

Bronze Level

Complete all three
benchmarks, and
three (3) or more


  • Demonstrate your organization’s dedication by signing the Statement of Commitment.
  • Return the signed Statement of Commitment to
  • Share your participation in the Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership Workplace Inclusion Charter within your organization and with the public.
  • Complete the assessment tool provided to understand the state of diversity of your organization in relation to the Charter commitments.
  • Identify the Charter commitments you wish to undertake and create an action plan to implement those commitments, with specific and attainable goals and metrics.
  • Workplace Inclusion Charter Toolkit provides resources and support throughout the implementation process.
  • Provide proof of the successful execution of your commitments through an annual self-reporting letter to
  • Getting recognized as a Workplace Inclusion Champion may include:

o County of Simcoe media release
o County of Simcoe social media platforms,
o Year-round exposure on and
o Virtual badge to be displayed on social media
o Store-front window decal
o Certificate of achievement

  • Workplace Inclusion Champions will be honoured for their outstanding dedication to the Workplace Inclusion Charter and recognized during the annual Newcomer Recognition Awards ceremony.

Sign the statement of commitment

Join us in committing to a workplace where accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion are not just goals, but core values. By signing this Statement of Commitment, you affirm your dedication to fostering an environment that respects and celebrates all individuals, embraces varied perspectives, and promotes a culture of belonging. Together, we can create a thriving workplace that empowers everyone to contribute their unique talents and experiences, to drive innovation and success for all.

Sign the Statement of Commitment and be part of the change!

Commitments and Toolkit

Organizational Benchmarking

As a first step, organizations will embark on a benchmarking process to establish guideposts to developing workplace inclusion plans.

Organizational benchmarking enables organizations to measure their progress toward creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace and helps to set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for improving inclusion and diversity.

Organizational BenchmarkResources Measurements
Condut an assessment for your organization to assess where you are and where you need to go on your equitable and inclusive journey.o Toronto Metropolitan University Diversity Assessment Tool
o Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Counsil (TRIEC) – TRIEC’S Inclusive Practices Index)
o Government of Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada – What works tolkit: guide to sustaining organizational change
Result of assessment.
Develop a Workforce Census to identify and eliminate procedures and policies that are barriers to employment and address systemic barriers to ensure diverse workforce representation.o CHRC – Employment Equity
o Government of Canada – How to improve workplace equity
o ESDC – Self-Identification Questionnaire
o Example – McMaster University Executive Summary
Result of census questionnaire.
Conduct an employee skill and qualification census to identify staff members’ under-utilized talent.o AIHR Academy to Innovate HR – Skills Gap Analysis Template
o Employment and Social Development Canada – Skills for Success – Assessment and training tools
o Indeed Career Guide – Skills Assessment Tests: What you need to know
Result of census questionnaire.


The Simcoe County Workplace Inclusion Charter includes 29 commitments across four categories: Culture and Leadership, Attraction, Recruitment and Onboarding, Capacity Building, and Policies. The Workplace Inclusion Charter Toolkit provides resources and support throughout the implementation process.

Culture and LeadershipResources Measurements
Create a land acknowledgment for your organization to honour Indigenous history and culture and commit to addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls for Action.o Guidance for Honouring the Land and Ancestors Through Land Acknowledgements
o 12 Ways to Better Choose Our Words When We Write About Indigenous Peoples
o Native-Land


Copy of land acknowledgment.
Recognize and celebrate holidays from diverse cultures in your workplace.o Simcoe County District School Board – Days of Awareness 23/24
o Government of Canada – Days of Significance
o Culture Refinery – 2025 Culture Calendar
Email/Communication to employees.
Establish an inclusion council or committee to provide company leadership in setting goals for recruiting, retaining, and promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment.o Human Resources Professional Association – How to establish
diversity leads and diversity task forces

o Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion – Diversity, equity, and inclusion councils and committee toolkit
o LIP Lanark-Renfrew – Creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in Your Community Steps, Best Practice Tips, and Lessons Learned
Copy of Council/Committee ToR.
Create organizational values and culture centered around accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion.o World Education Services (WES) – Leading the Way to Inclusive Workplaces
o Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) – Inclusive Leadership Guide
o LinkedIn – How to create a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion
Email/Communication to employees.
Create and implement a system that enables employees to express concerns in a secure environment and offer continuous feedback.o Asana – How to collect employee feedback (tips and examples)
o AIHR – Employee Feedback Strategy: 5 Approaches to Consider
o CCOHS – Employee Assistance Program
o Government of Canada – EAP
Email/Communication to employees.
Enroll all leaders in anti-racism, bias, diversity, inclusion, intercultural competency and/or cultural awareness training.o Harmony Movement – Workplace Programs
o Hire Immigrants Ottawa – Cross-Cultural Competency Training for Employers
o Osgoode/York University – EDI in the workplace certificate
o TRIEC – Certificate in inclusive leadership
Certificate of completion or registration.
Provide inclusive spaces where employees feel welcome and supported:
o to observe religious and cultural practices.
o to focus on wellness activities.
o to use for family and health-related activities.
o by providing gender-neutral washrooms.
o by offering hybrid or remote work where possible.
o Levelling the field : developing a special program under the Canadian Human Rights Act or the Employment Equity Act
o Ontario Human Rights Code – Creed – Duty to Accommodate
o Canadian Human Rights Commission – Developing a Workplace Accommodation Policy
Communication to employees to encourage the use of the space.
Attraction, Recruitment & OnboardingResources Measurements
Evaluate attraction, recruitment, and hiring procedures to develop a diverse and equitable pool of candidates and employees.o Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion – Inclusive Hiring Practices Toolkit
o TRIEC – Inclusive Workplace Competencies
o WES & #Immigrants Work Coalition – Employer Playbook
Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces


Internal HR LMS specific to EDI hiring, recruitment, retention strategy.
Develop inclusive job postings. Job descriptions should not include unnecessary qualifications or specify the country where experience must be gained. Job descriptions should utilize inclusive language, include applicable National Occupation Classification (NOC) code on all job postings, and welcome applications from candidates of all abilities.o – Recruiting
o Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion – Inclusive Hiring Practices Toolkit
o WES #Immigrants Work Coalition – Employer Playbook Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces
Sample of job descriptions/postings.
Ensure job postings are advertised across various platforms. Utilize multiple job boards to attract a variety of candidates and establish collaborations with community groups that provide job assistance services or can share the job listing with their members.o Work In Simcoe Website
o County of Simcoe Ethnocultural Groups Booklet
o Government of Canada – Canada Research Chairs – Section B. Search of Candidates
o WES – Employer Playbook – Reaching Immigrant Talent
A copy/screenshot of job postings on different platforms.
Attend an Immigration 101 workshop to better understand newcomers’ experiences working, living and belonging in Simcoe County.Certificate of completion or registration.
Include equitable and inclusive questions as part of the interview process to assess candidate’s knowledge and awareness.o Human Resources Management Association – Hiring and Retaining Skilled Immigrants
o Cobleskilll University – DEI Interview Question Sample
o University of British Columbia – Fostering Inclusive Excellence Criteria & interview Questions to address Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Sample of interview questions.
Develop a welcoming package for new hires (ie. welcome letter from CEO outlining the organization’s commitment to the Workplace Inclusion Charter, incorporate settlement service referrals, information on local recreation programs, parks, transportation, etc).o WES #Immigrants Work Coalition – Employer Playbook
Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces
Copy of welcoming package.
Implement a ‘buddy’ system by assigning a friendly and culturally sensitive employee to mentor a new hire and share workplace protocols and etiquette (i.e. business attire, lunch and coffee break routines, handling personal phone calls or emails at work, birthday celebrations/social events, etc.).o – Onboarding – Buddy/mentor system
o World Education Services – Buddy UP
o TRIEC Buddy Checklist
Email to existing employees to recruit mentors and copy of policy/expectations.
Develop a list of company-specific terms, acronyms, abbreviations and/or common sector-specific terminology.N/ACopy of company-specific terms, acronyms list.
Capacity Building Resources Measurements
Participate in the Simcoe County #ITSTARTS campaign as a Community Champion.o – #ITSTARTS


Enroll one or more leaders in a training/workshop facilitated by the World Education Services (WES) and share what you learned with your teams.o World Education ServicesCertificate of completion or registration.
Provide a mentoring program and/or learning opportunities to facilitate career mobilization.o County of Simcoe Growing Together Mentorship Program
o CERIC – Why should newcomers be connected to a mentorship program?
o TRIEC Mentorship Program
Email to employee.
Provide accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion training and cultural competency/awareness learning opportunities to all employees.Training Resources:
o Harmony Movement
o Making Change
o Independent Living Services of Simcoe County and Area
o Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle
o Barrie Native Friendship Centre
o UPLIFT Black
Certificate of completion or registration.
Learn about foreign credential recognition process(es) for occupations certified by a professional association (i.e. engineer, early learning childhood educator, nurse, etc.)o World Education Services (WES) – How to obtain authentic international academic credentials
o World Education Services (WES) – Best Practices: Strategies and Processes to Obtain Authentic International Educational Credentials
o Government of Canada – Learn more about foreign credential recognition in Canada
List of associations for certified occupations in your organization.
Provide a skills development program, including tuition reimbursement, bridge training programs, etc. o Government of Canada – Employer subsidies, rebates and tax credits
o Quickbooks – 6 Reasons to Implement a Tuition Reimbursement Program for Your Employees
o – What is an industry-specific bridging program?
o Ontario – Bridge Training Programs
Copy of program content/email to staff.
Provide staff learning opportunities on the Ontario Human Rights Code legislation (i.e. lunch and learn, enrolment in workshops, etc.).o Ontario Human Rights Code – Removing the Canadian Experience ELearning Module
o Ontario Human Rights Code – Human Rights and Newcomers eLearning Modules
o Ontario Human Rights Code – Duty to Accommodate eLearning Module
Copy of workshop content/email to staff.
PoliciesResources Measurements
Examine and update all policies to ensure equitable and inclusive language is utilized. Implement a regular review schedule.o Government of Canada – Inclusive writing – Guidelines and resources
o Western – Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – A guide for Inclusive Language
o Province of British Columbia – Guidelines on using inclusive language in the workplace
Copy of Policy.
Develop a policy that promotes accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and ensure employees are aware of and understand these principles.o Canadian Association for Supported Employment – HR Inclusive Policy Toolkit
o Government of Canada – How to create an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Plan
o Human Resources Professional Association – Guide to Addressing Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Workplace
Copy of Policy.
Become a living wage employer. o Ontario Living Wage Network
o Ontario Living Wage Network – A guide to becoming a living wage employer
o United Way Simcoe Musoke – 6 reasons why you should be a living wage employer
Copy of Policy.
Develop guidelines for diverse representation outlining the requirements for incorporating diversity in visual marketing and promotional material.o Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) – Diversity & Representation: Guide to potential areas for bias in the creative process
o Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) – Marketing to the LGBTQ+ community Webinar
o Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) – Diversity and Inclusion in
Canada’s Marketing Sector

Copy of Policy.
Create a leave policy that offers employees the flexibility and assistance they need to participate in cultural, faith-based ceremonies and obligations, such as seasonal events. o Canadian Human Rights Commission – Levelling the field: developing a special program
o Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. -Indigenous Retention Strategies and Cultural Leave
o Ontario Human Rights Commission – As an employer do I have to give people time off for religious leave and do I also have to pay them?
Copy of Policy.
Offer unpaid leave for employees to travel to their home countries for extended periods. N/A Copy of Policy.
Utilize Human Rights-based Approach Framework from the Ontario Human Rights Commission, to design and develop policies and programs that meet your organization’s human rights obligations.o The Human-Rights-Based Approach Framework – A how-to for employers
o Ontario Human Rights Code – Human Rights and Newcomers eLearning Modules
Certificate of completion or registration.